Learning from Track Plans the American Way


Continental Modeller,  Autumn 1979

Continental Modeller, Autumn 1979

Interesting article showing a gap in the game board or baseboard, which could be canyons, pop holes for heads – all the same problems wargamers have as Railway modellers.

But then this would be fixed territory to fight over?

Mixed Train Daily by Beebe and Clegg mentioned is one of my favourite relaxing railway books “A classic of American literature.”



Mixed Trains are often interesting for a small layout. some international examples beyond America can be found here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixed_train

Railways and their bridges and shirt mixed trains are often useful focal points in my occasional games:


Crummy, the other name for a Caboose or Guards Van is a delightful word.

Blog post by Mark Man Of TIN, 21 December 2023